PDLUX PD-V21360 Keamanan Deteksi Seluler Modul Mikro Mikro 24GHz
PDLUX PD-V21360 Security Mobile Detection 24GHz Microwave Sensor Module is a K-Band Bi-Static Doppler transceiver modlue .Ifs built-in Resonator Oscillator (CRO). Modul iki, V21360 nggunakake Antena Plane datar, sing cocog kanggo dipasang ing tembok. Modul Sensor Gelombang Mikro 24GHz Deteksi Seluler bisa nambah kemampuan nampa sinyal ngarep lan nyuda area buta ing sisih mburi. Kinerja Modul Sensor Gelombang Mikro 24GHz Keamanan Mobile luwih apik tinimbang sensor ing pasar.
Model:PDLUX PD-V21360
Kirim Pitakonan
PDLUX PD-V21360 Keamanan Deteksi Seluler Modul Mikro Mikro 24GHz
Aplikasi Modul Sensor Gelombang Mikro Deteksi Seluler 24GHz â € ¢Ngalih cerdas â € ¢Tombol sing digantung ing tembok â € ¢Ndeteksi penyusup
PDLUX PD-V21360 Keamanan Deteksi Seluler Modul Mikro Mikro 24GHz is a K-Band Bi-Static Doppler transceiver modlue .Ifs built-in Resonator Oscillator (CRO).This module,V21360 adopts flat Plane Antenna, suitable for wall mounting. Security Mobile Detection 24GHz Microwave Sensor Module can improve its front signal receiving ability and reduce its flank blind area. Security Mobile Detection 24GHz Microwave Sensor Module’s performance is better than the sensors in the market. Modul iki cocog banget kanggo sensor hunian ing switch cahya otomatis. Lt uga bisa digunakake kanggo detektor penyusup sing dipasang ing plafon.
Miturut EN 300440-V2.1.1> EN 62479: 2010, arahan RED-2014/53 / EU Miturut FCC Part 15.249 Miturut EN 62321, arahan ROHS-2011/65 / EU Miturut arahan REACH-1907/2006 / EC
Parameter | Cathetan | Min | Jinis | Maks | Unit |
Tegangan Pasokan | Vcc | 3 | 5 | 5.25 | V |
Konsumsi Saiki | Icc | 20 | 35 | 38 | mA |
Mode Operasi | Didhukung dening PWM, bisa ngontrol arus kerja ing 3-15mA | ||||
Jembar Pulsa | Tpulse | 10 | S | ||
Suhu Operasi | Ndhuwur | -30~+85 +100 (Maks.) | ° C | ||
Suhu Panyimpenan | Tstg | -10 |
60 | ° C |
Wektu Stabil |
<5 | Sec | ||
Nyetel Frekuensi | f | 24 | 24.125 | 24.25 | GHz |
Daya Radiasi (EIRP) | Pout | <2.0 | <2.5 | <3.0 | mW |
Kelembapan sekitar Kalor | 45% ~ 65% | RH |