Tren pangembangan sensor inframerah
Tren pangembangan sensor inframerah
1. Pangembangan bahan lan teknologi pangolahan anyar:
Kanthi bahan lan teknologi pangolahan anyar, tingkat deteksi infra merah saka pirokelektriksensor inframerahtambah, dawa gelombang nanggepi ditambah, wektu respons dicekak, sensitivitas piksel lan kerapatan piksel luwih dhuwur, interferensi dhuwur, lan biaya produksi dikurangi. Perusahaan kayata PYREOS lan IRISYS ngenalake jinis teknologi sensitif pyroelektrik anyar sing nyampur film lan keramik tipis, sing ndadekake macem-macem komponen sensitif.
2. Large-scale and multi-functional pyroelectric sensor inframerah:
Kanthi pangembangan teknologi mikroelektronika lan ekspansi lapangan aplikasi sensor terus-terusan, pyroelektriksensor inframerahsberkembang saka fungsi cilik lan siji dadi skala gedhe lan multi-fungsi.
Sing gedhe-gedhesensor inframerah (16*16 to 64*64 pixels) developed by famous foreign countries can not only measure the temperature field, but also obtain the advanced human detection function that the small sensor inframerah does not have (that can accurately locate the individual in the space The location in the middle, that is, people are not active, can also be identified) or security monitoring in large areas, which is very suitable for applications in home automation, medical care, security protection and other occasions. In addition, the development of a new multi-spectral sensor has greatly improved the functionality of the infrared imaging array.
3. Intelijen sensor:
The new type of intelligent pyroelectric sensor inframerah usually has multiple microprocessors built in, with Fourier transform, wavelet transform and other advanced digital signal processing or compensation functions, self-diagnosis function, two-way digital communication and other functions, making the sensor stable and reliable Performance, such as performance, signal-to-noise ratio, and convenience are greatly improved.
1. Pangembangan bahan lan teknologi pangolahan anyar:
Kanthi bahan lan teknologi pangolahan anyar, tingkat deteksi infra merah saka pirokelektriksensor inframerahtambah, dawa gelombang nanggepi ditambah, wektu respons dicekak, sensitivitas piksel lan kerapatan piksel luwih dhuwur, interferensi dhuwur, lan biaya produksi dikurangi. Perusahaan kayata PYREOS lan IRISYS ngenalake jinis teknologi sensitif pyroelektrik anyar sing nyampur film lan keramik tipis, sing ndadekake macem-macem komponen sensitif.
2. Large-scale and multi-functional pyroelectric sensor inframerah:
Kanthi pangembangan teknologi mikroelektronika lan ekspansi lapangan aplikasi sensor terus-terusan, pyroelektriksensor inframerahsberkembang saka fungsi cilik lan siji dadi skala gedhe lan multi-fungsi.
Sing gedhe-gedhesensor inframerah (16*16 to 64*64 pixels) developed by famous foreign countries can not only measure the temperature field, but also obtain the advanced human detection function that the small sensor inframerah does not have (that can accurately locate the individual in the space The location in the middle, that is, people are not active, can also be identified) or security monitoring in large areas, which is very suitable for applications in home automation, medical care, security protection and other occasions. In addition, the development of a new multi-spectral sensor has greatly improved the functionality of the infrared imaging array.
3. Intelijen sensor:
The new type of intelligent pyroelectric sensor inframerah usually has multiple microprocessors built in, with Fourier transform, wavelet transform and other advanced digital signal processing or compensation functions, self-diagnosis function, two-way digital communication and other functions, making the sensor stable and reliable Performance, such as performance, signal-to-noise ratio, and convenience are greatly improved.