Ngendi alarm gas sing bisa dipasang?
Papan dunungealarm gas sing gampang kobongcocog kanggo dipasang: Ingalarm gascocog kanggo dipasang ing radius 1,5 meter saka sumber gas, ing papan sing duwe ventilasi sing apik:
(1) Gas petroleum khusus-luwih abot tinimbang udhara lan disimpen ing papan sing kurang, detektor gas nirkabel kudu dipasang ing sisih ngisor sumber gas. Jarak horisontal ing antarane instalasi detektor gas nirkabel lan alat utawa katup sing kobong ora luwih saka 3m, lan dhuwure instalasi udakara 0,3m saka lemah.
(2) Gas, gas alam luwih entheng tinimbang hawa, ngambang ing papan sing dhuwur, detektor gas nirkabel kudu dipasang ing sisih ndhuwur sumber gas. Jarak horisontal antarane detektor gas nirkabel lan alat utawa katup sing kobong ora luwih saka 6m, lan dhuwure instalasi udakara 0,3m saka plafon, lan ora dipasang ing sadhuwure alat sing kobong.
Lokasi sing ora bisa dipasang alarm: pojok, lemari, lan lokasi liyane sing udhara ora gampang sirkulasi, lan lokasi sing gampang diombe langsung karo asap minyak.
The gas detected by the alarm gas sing gampang kobong is different and the installation location should be different. It should be installed according to the nature of the gas. The lighter gas should be installed 30-60cm away from the roof, and the gas heavier than air should be installed 30-60cm on the ground. . Fixed alarm gass are often used in industrial environments, which can effectively ensure the safety of personnel in production. The fixed alarm gas can be detected online in real time, and the alarm record will not be lost when the power is off. Gas alarms should be installed for real-time detection in places with a large number of people and difficult to evacuate. Some restaurants, hotels, chemical workshops, and other places are more suitable for installing fixed alarm gass.
(1) Gas petroleum khusus-luwih abot tinimbang udhara lan disimpen ing papan sing kurang, detektor gas nirkabel kudu dipasang ing sisih ngisor sumber gas. Jarak horisontal ing antarane instalasi detektor gas nirkabel lan alat utawa katup sing kobong ora luwih saka 3m, lan dhuwure instalasi udakara 0,3m saka lemah.
(2) Gas, gas alam luwih entheng tinimbang hawa, ngambang ing papan sing dhuwur, detektor gas nirkabel kudu dipasang ing sisih ndhuwur sumber gas. Jarak horisontal antarane detektor gas nirkabel lan alat utawa katup sing kobong ora luwih saka 6m, lan dhuwure instalasi udakara 0,3m saka plafon, lan ora dipasang ing sadhuwure alat sing kobong.
Lokasi sing ora bisa dipasang alarm: pojok, lemari, lan lokasi liyane sing udhara ora gampang sirkulasi, lan lokasi sing gampang diombe langsung karo asap minyak.
The gas detected by the alarm gas sing gampang kobong is different and the installation location should be different. It should be installed according to the nature of the gas. The lighter gas should be installed 30-60cm away from the roof, and the gas heavier than air should be installed 30-60cm on the ground. . Fixed alarm gass are often used in industrial environments, which can effectively ensure the safety of personnel in production. The fixed alarm gas can be detected online in real time, and the alarm record will not be lost when the power is off. Gas alarms should be installed for real-time detection in places with a large number of people and difficult to evacuate. Some restaurants, hotels, chemical workshops, and other places are more suitable for installing fixed alarm gass.