EN14604 Alarm Asap
Nalika Weker Asap EN14604, pencet tombol kanggo ngetik mode bisu, buzzer dipateni, LED bakal terus alarm cahya nalika ana asap, wektu bisu 10 menit, nalika bisu, pencet tombol ora valid.
Kirim Pitakonan
EN14604 Alarm Asap
EN14604 Alarm Asap size
EN14604 Alarm Asap is a digital low-power smoke alarm, product design follows the EU EN14604 standard, the use of high-performance chip as a stand-alone photoelectric smoke fire alarm MCU, digital signal processing makes the alarm detection more Accurate, better product sensitivity consistency, MCU built-in FLASH memory, store the detector's factory parameters, maintenance information, to achieve a strong self-diagnostic testing, circuit failure, sensor failure, battery voltage and other parameters of the detection and diagnosis. At the same time, adaptive compensation function will be based on ambient temperature, external factors such as changes in the conditions of fire sensitivity compensation to the appropriate range, enhanced product stability. The average standby current of the product is less than 3uA standby power consumption, working time up to 10 years.
Specifications of EN14604 Alarm Asap
Sumber daya: DC3V
Spesifikasi Baterai: CR123A
Umur batere: 10 taun
Arus statis: â ‰ ¤3uA
Saiki weker: <30mA
Alarm voltase sithik: 2,7V ± 0,05V
Sonoritas weker:> 85 db (3m)
Suhu kerja: 0 ° C ~ 40 ° C
Kelembapan kerja: 10% -95% RH
(1) Nalika daya aktif, suara bip bip bisu nggawe sukses kanthi sukses.
(2) Nalika batere mlebu ing voltase kurang, lampu sinkronisasi LED setengah bip.
(3) Ing weker tanpa kumelun, penet tombol 3 detik, weker bakal suara bip lan suara bip telu, swarane padha karo swara alarm kebul.
(4) When EN14604 Alarm Asap, press the button to enter the mute mode, the buzzer is muted, the LED will continue the light alarm when there is smoke, the mute time is 10 minutes, when mute, press the button is invalid.
Where to install EN14604 Alarm Asaps
1, Ing saben kamar turu kapisah ing njaba lorong dipasang siji, ditampilake ing Gambar 1;
2, Ing omah multi-kulawarga utawa apartemen ing saben lantai kanggo nginstal, ditampilake ing Gambar 2;
3, Siji kanggo saben kamar turu;
4, Yen koridor kamar turu dawane luwih saka 40 kaki (12 meter), loro-lorone koridor kasebut dipasang weker;
5. Sijine siji ing kamar turu semi-tertutup utawa ditutup amarga asap bakal diblokir dening lawang sing ditutup. Yen lawange ditutup, swara alarem ing koridor njaluk sing turu sing turu;
6, Ing sisih ngisor tangga ruang paling ngisor kanggo nginstal alarm;
7, Ing lantai siji menyang ndhuwur lantai loro kanggo masang alarm;
8, Liyane ing ruang tamu, pawon, loteng lan kamar panyimpenan kanggo nginstal alarm;
9, Coba weker cedhak tengah langit-langit, yen iki ora praktis, jarak saka tembok utawa pojok ing langit-langit ora kurang saka 20 inci (50CM), kaya sing ditampilake ing Gambar 3;
10, Yen atap miring utawa landhep, lokasi instalasi saka sisih ndhuwur titik paling dhuwur ora bisa kurang saka 3 kaki (0,9 m), kaya sing ditampilake ing Gambar 4.
Where not to install EN14604 Alarm Asaps
Positif salah bisa kedadeyan nalika detektor asap dipasang ing lokasi sing ora bisa digunakake kanthi bener. Kanggo nyegah weker sing salah, aja instal produk ing lokasi ing ngisor iki:
1, kobong papan kayata pawon tanpa ventilasi, garasi, lsp;
2, Do not install EN14604 Alarm Asap less than 20 feet (6 meters) away from the burning place, like the kitchen, if the distance of 20 feet is not possible, as in moving Room, but also have to keep away from burning things, in order to prevent false positives, in these places should maintain good ventilation;
3, Wilayah lembab utawa lembab: utawa cedhak jedhing sing duwe pancuran;
4, ngisor 4 â „ƒ utawa ndhuwur 38 â„ ƒ lingkungan, kayata ruangan, ora dibangun loteng lengkap;
5, papan sing reged, kamar umbah-umbah kudu nggawe alarm sing dipasang kanthi alun-alun;
6, Ventilasi apik banget, bakal nyebarake asap kabeh;
7, pucuking hawa mati, kayata atap dalan, utawa pojok antarane langit-langit lan tembok, hawa mati bakal nyegah asap saka detektor;
8, kanthi akses serangga mabur menyang papan, serangga bakal mlebu ing jendela sensor sing nyebabake alarm palsu;
9, Ing sacedhake lampu neon, "swara" elektronik lampu neon bakal nyebabake positip palsu lan detektor bakal dipasang paling ora 5 kaki (1,5 meter) saka lampu kasebut.
Pènget: Do not stop EN14604 Alarm Asap by removing the battery. Open the
jendhela ing sacedhake detektor utawa kipas kanggo ngrokok, yen kebul wis kentut, alarm bakal mandheg kanthi otomatis, yen isih ana alarm, miturut instruksi kanggo ngresiki metode tes detektor.
Pènget: Aja nutup weker nalika weker ana, weker kasebut keras supaya ora gupuh.
Pènget: Alarm kumelun lan batere kudu adoh saka sumber panas lan banyu langsung.
Test EN14604 Alarm Asap
Tes periodik: pencet tombol test nganti telung detik kanggo ngirim telung alarm bip, alarm normal. Iki minangka cara mung kanggo mesthekake produk sampeyan bisa digunakake kanthi bener. Yen tes ora normal, kudu didandani utawa diganti langsung.
Pènget:Aja nyoba detektor nganggo geni sing mbukak. Iki bisa ngrusak detektor lan nyebabake kerusakan ing omah sampeyan. Switch tactile internal kanthi akurat nyoba kabeh fungsi detektor. Iki minangka cara sing bener kanggo nyoba detektor.
Pènget: Detektor bisa ndeteksi asap utawa amarga kobongan partikel ing udhara nalika detektor ora muni weker nalika nyoba detektor.
Nalika nemtokake weker bisa dadi peringatan kahanan sing serius, kudu langsung narik kawigaten:
• The EN14604 Alarm Asap may be due to some other nasty situation. Such as smoke or dirty stoves in the kitchen, sometimes called "friendly fireworks" will cause alarm alarms. In this case, open the window or the fan will smoke or dust. As long as the air clean the alarm will be automatically stopped.
â € ¢ Yen weker muni swara "bip" kurang saben setengah menit, nuduhake yen batere wis sithik, ganti produk langsung.
Install EN14604 Alarm Asap on the ceiling as follows:
1, Tahan pangkalan puteran basa ing sisih tengen (Gambar 5);
2, Miturut pangkalan ing posisi instalasi, kanthi potlot ing sisih loro bolongan kanggo nggawe tandha doyo bolongan instalasi (Gambar 6);
3, Copot pangkalan;
4, Kanthi bor kanthi bor 6,5mm ing tandha ing rong bolongan sing dipasang (Gambar 7), awak ekspansi plastik menyang bolongan (Gambar 8). Selehake produk ing lokasi sing ora ana lebu nalika ngebur bolongan sing dipasang;
5, Meneng dasar sing dipasang ing langit-langit (Gambar 9);
6, Copot batere, robek film kemasan isolasi batere, banjur lebokake batere kanthi bener;
7, Lebokake tutup tombol kanthi kunci ing pangkalan, lan kencengake awak utama weker kanthi jarum jam menyang tutup ngisor (Gambar 10).
Cathetan:Nalika batere urip kaping pisanan, swara bip, tegese batere wis dipasang kanthi bener. Pencet tombol test nganti telung detik kanggo ngirim telung tetes swara alarm. Alarm banget lan irama, nuduhake manawa produk wis bisa digunakake kanthi bener.
Cathetan: Before installing EN14604 Alarm Asap, be sure to tear the battery insulation plastic sheet, to ensure that the product work properly.
Pangopènan rutin
Kanggo mesthekake operasi detektor normal, detektor kasebut kudu diuji saben minggu. Deleng bagean "Tes Alarm Asap";
1. Replace EN14604 Alarm Asap as soon as the detector beeps every half minute. Low voltage alarm sounds for at least 30 days;
2. Resik paling ora sepisan setaun: Bukak tutup lan copot alon-alon bledug saka jendhela sensor detektor. Gunakake sikat alus kanggo ngresiki. Priksa manawa ngresiki bledug kanthi tliti, luwih-luwih ing bukaan saka jendhela indra. Coba maneh detektor kanggo mesthekake yen batere wis mlaku kanthi bener. Priksa tombol test ing njero alangan.